Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sivakumar's thoughtprovoking interview.

The title of this embedded video is misleading... It has nothing to do with the "Beep Song"... But it is a must watch.

I respect Sivakumar for speaking his heart out on some of the serious social issues facing multicultural developing nations like India. All linguistic fanatics must watch this... So should those who are hell bent of defaming some of our past national leaders like Gandhiji and Pandit Nehru who contributed a lot to our society... sure, like everyone else they too had their shortcomings but they cannot defend their actions now... they are long gone. So what is the point in smearing filth on them? I am guilty of this too. Hope I refrain from being too critical of our past national leaders.

But don't get me wrong, there are some leaders who have been pure evil... dictators who established a predatory state that espoused draconian laws of segregation and discrimination. It is important to get the facts straight about these barbarians as history is often too kind to these villains (what more can you expect when they themselves appointed their historians). That said, there is no point in lamenting about the treachery imposed on our ancestors, it might only build hatred against the innocent kith and kin of these villains.

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